25 February 2010

Loving and DivafyingTWA (Teeny Weeny Afro)

Ok, so I've done my BC - yay! (pics coming soon I promise). Now, I've been giving some thoughts to the perception of the TWA - what we and other people think about them.

I did a coil-out this week and got lots of compliments from either natural haired sisters or sisters considering going natural. On the other hand, when I do a Twist'n'Curl, I get lots of compliments from relaxed haired sisters. My point is that the TWA is super versitile but it influences the way we're perceived. Did I mind that on one day, I got more compliments than others? I did at first but then I learned that as long as you 'own' the style, the confidence just flows out of you and that's what people are really complimenting.

As I was thinking about that, I came across an old video from one of my favourite YouTubers - BlackOnyx77 where she talks about loving your TWA that I wanted to share with you. Hope you enjoy it.


16 February 2010

It's been a minute!

Hey peeps, what’s poppin? I know it’s been a minute and I’m so so sorry, I’ve been caught up in life.
So I’ve got a few updates to give you guys. So here goes!
Update #1
My girl Claire is going to joining me on the blog. She’s transitioned for some months and did her BC late last year but I’ll let her come through and share her story with you.
Claire’s been my friend for close to 4 years now and I’m blessed to be sharing my natural journey and this blog with her.
Update #2
The Conditioner Only method didn’t really work for lil’ Jasmine’s hair. It left a lot of buildup so we abandoned that after about 2 months. I needed to use a sulphate shampoo to get it all out. And that’s now left her with a really bad case of dry scalp.
Update #3
I’ve done the BC!!! Yay! I BC’d after 11 months of transitioning on January 13th. So I’m already 1 month post-BC – that’s so cool. I know I was going for a full year tranisition but I honestly couldn’t take it.
So those are the updates guys. I’m going to put together a Transition Journey slide show to chronicle my transition to natural and some of the hairstyles I rocked during that time.

Till next time, xx Muwah xx